Here are four of nearly forty entries from a journal I keep of some of the more significant acts of God I have experienced. You may decide these accounts were coincidences, or perhaps are even fictional. Even so, they will always be actual experiences of mine, which I distinctly relive in detail that is hard to communicate.  And I am confident that many–if not all–things we tend to label as a coincidence are, in fact, under divine control.

December 16, 2017. Today God got after me to stop at my local bookstore again and ask them to stock my book. (When I spoke to them previously about this, the manager had informed me he preferred working through a distributor versus purchasing books directly from the author.)

God had gotten after me to get back there the other Saturday, but I was too fearful to take the chance. This time I sat in the parking lot for five minutes cooking up enough courage to go in and face a man that had previously turned my offer down. I finally went in, and he immediately saw me as I stepped in the door, just as though he had been expecting me. Within minutes he had purchased all the current edition paperbacks I had with me.

Sun shining through clouds

May 17, 2019. For the last few weeks, I was on the lookout for a job. On the way home from picking my car up at the garage, I swung in at DC Coffee and Tea to check it out. I knew Jeff, the owner, who pastors a church across the street from my house, but I had never been to his coffee shop and adjoining home decoration center.

I walked into the coffee shop, but seeing that it was open to the rest of the building, I walked right over to the home decoration section to look around. That’s when I saw Jeff standing behind the counter, looking at me. I walked over to him to chat, and within minutes he had hired me to help out with odd jobs and serve on the flooring crew.

I never did get a coffee, but on my way home it struck me how random it was that I stopped in. I had driven past, but had turned around and went back because I felt an inkling to do just that.

April 15, 2020. COVID-19 came at just the right time for me. I have been off work from my main job for about four weeks now, which gave me some much-needed time to work on this project. And my work stopped just after receiving my first full paycheck after the last of my publishing expense debt was paid. Beings I still work one day a week at another job and have a relatively low living expense, I have enough money to last for a while–even if I don’t get paid to have off. (I am self-employed, so I likely will not get paid for this vacation.) God has outside-the-box ways of getting His work done (referring to my writing). I would not doubt He is making use of this virus scenario in many other ways as well.

October 27, 2020. I was hoping to read over this manuscript this week before I give a copy of it to a friend, when I meet him this weekend, to get critiqued. But I acknowledged I would likely not get finished and will end up compromising and giving him a manuscript that I was not done going over myself.

God knew what I was thinking. This evening I received a text from my job coordinator stating that he has no work for me tomorrow. That provides me just the break I was subconsciously desiring.

Do not ever succumb to the temptation that God does not care about the little details of your life.

I have already asked myself, “What is the chance that God does not exist?”

After seriously considering that question, I have concluded that there is no chance. You might as well ask what the chance is that paper doesn’t exist.

After I asked God to forgive my trespasses against Him, nearly overwhelming joy and an exceptional sense of divine security instantly enveloped my being. For the first time in my life, I felt entirely satisfied. Even now, I consistently feel insecure and am left groping for a sense of worth when I forget myself and start following my sensual ambitions. On the other hand, I invariably feel a deep sense of inner serenity when I surrender my life to God and pursue His will.